You Do Good.

We Make Sure Your Good Reaches A Lot Of People.

We were founded with one goal in mind: amplify the mission of nonprofits. Those working in a nonprofit have to wear too many hats. So, we designed an affordable program to help organizations take advantage of one of the most important digital tools available. 

We Help Nonprofits Have “For Profit” Marketing Budgets

Google Grants Management is part of English Spanish Marketing, a bilingual marketing agency that specializes in equitable communication. 99% of nonprofits don’t have access to huge PPC and digital marketing budgets. We’re here to change that by walking 501c3’s through the Google Grant process and offering expert-level management for result-driven marketing.

Get The Help You Need

Google Grants is a big deal and working with a professional
management company is 8X more efficient than braving it on your own. 

Improve Your Active Account’s Performance

If you’re already taking advantage of a Google Grants account, we’re here to boost clicks, conversions and active users.

Get Started As
A New Accounts

We’ll guide you through the Google Grants registration process and get an account expertly set up for long-term success.

We Help Nonprofits Of All Sizes And Missions

As a pioneer in the Google Grants field, we’ve been able to assist both English and Spanish nonprofits to thrive
whether they are completely new or looking for a revamped Google Grants strategy.

Get In Touch With Google Grants Management

Get a free 30-minute consultation and

your first month of management free.